We live in unusual times and unusual times
require unusual resolutions.
With the Lib Dems clear they weren't interested the DUP were the only small party Theresa May could
turn to for a deal. Teaming up with their 10 MPs may make parliamentary logic,
but are unlikely to please the country at large. The party are mired in
financial scandal and appointed a climate change denier to the environment post
at Stormont. That’s not to mention May’s need to be an honest broker in a peace
process that’s on the rocks.
However, at the moment the DUP are the only
show in town and they know it. This gives them a huge amount of influence and
power over a stuttering May government. They could demand all kinds of unusual tunes and make her position untenable. Alternatively the DUP will realise
that they are shackled to an unpopular government and will stop singing along at a
time of their choosing.
Another election might seem inevitable at this
point, but there’s no appetite for this in parliament or just as importantly
the country as a whole.
A Conservative - Labour coalition
A Conservative - Labour coalition
But there is another option.
A Conservative – Labour coalition could
deliver a sensible Brexit as well a commitment to good public services combined
with stable finances. There is a clear majority across the two parties for this
approach giving a national government the votes in parliament it needs to
negotiate resolutely with our European colleagues. Both major parties agree a
negotiating approach would give the EU27 confidence that it was worth sitting
round the table.
This is also a deal the country as a whole
would be happy and relieved to see. The public didn’t pick a winner in the
election – no party measured up to govern.
A small number of die-hards may love the opportunity for another
campaign, but most people in the country are tired of the instability and want
to see politicians work together to come up with positive, practical solutions
to the problems our nations face.
The only sensible option
The only sensible option
A Conservative – Labour coalition may seem
unlikely, but it soon may be the only sensible option left. Some will claim it’s
politically impossible, but most things are until they happen. In my own county of Warwickshire the two parties cooperated in
February to agree a budget deal where no one party had a majority. Parliamentarians
in practice consistently work cross- party much of time already. It can be
Some in Labour want to stand back and cross their fingers that the Conservatives implode. Some on the right will baulk at working with Jeremy Corbyn. I say get on with it. It’s time to put tribalism aside to deliver what’s in the best interest of theUK .
Some in Labour want to stand back and cross their fingers that the Conservatives implode. Some on the right will baulk at working with Jeremy Corbyn. I say get on with it. It’s time to put tribalism aside to deliver what’s in the best interest of the
People in this country do not want to be
subject to years of infighting and instability when we face the biggest
political decisions in our lifetimes. Politicians claim that they serve the
people and the UK
as a whole. Now is their chance to prove it.
sound reasoning Jonathan!!